Thursday, August 13, 2015

A dedication

Above picture is a dedication for the ones who sacrificed their lives due to Socio - Political Struggles of the Country; all battles and struggles before independence, (including since Vijaya's arrival), '71 , '83, 87 - 89, and due to LTTE issue, for the near and dear ones of their families who suffered and are still suffering because of such eras, political and social segments of history above mentioned. 

But don't be mistaken this picture is not a dedication for any who betrayed even a single struggle, battles, rebels, movements due to what so ever reason, not even using a single word, and this is not a dedication for any who act against the objectives and aims of those battles fought for.      

by; mska;+rh tod isg wo olajd foaYSh iudc wdra:sl foaYmd,ksl ysveia mshjd .ekaug igka jeos ishÆ wjxl igka lrejka Wfoid yd ta fya;=fjka ish osjs lem l,jqkag fukau ta fya;=fjka wog;a uers uerS bmfok tu mjq,j,a wh fjkqfjkao lem lrñ

tfy;a tod fuod ;=r igka jpkhlska fyda mdjdÿka wh fjkqfjka fjka fkdjk j. o igyka lrkq leue;af;ñ

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